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Freuently Asked Questions
How to create Forms with Apex Report Designer
Go to the Home page then click on the (Add report) button. Or click the ARD logo then click report management then click the Add Report button then enter the information below:
The primary report name :the report name in the primary language e.g. English
Secondary Report name : the report name in the Secondary language e.g. French
Click on the required direction (Left-to-right)
Click Next
Create dataset (Select * from sales)
Write the name of the dataset.
enter 25 in the property row (rows per page) to have 25 rows for each page
Click Next
Use M S Word to design your template
Create a table consisting of 2 Rows (One row for the headers and the second row for the data) and select any number of columns which define the content of the tabular report.
Cut from M S Word and paste the content in the ARD report body
Right click on the table and select property and put 100% in width to facilitate the preview (Landscape or portrait)
Drag and drop the required datasets in cell number 1 of row number 2 and then cut the tag end followed by the table name and enter it into the last cell of the table.
Drag and drop the required columns into each cell of the table.
Click the (Create The report) button
enter 25 in the page records ( implies having 25 rows per page)
Click the (PDF Print) button
Change the direction of report to be in landscape mode
entering the titles for each cell in the table
Create the report
PDF Print
To repeat the header of the table on each page go to the table in the report body right click on table select property and select first row for the property headers .
Create the report
PDF Print