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How to create Forms with Apex Report Designer
Go to Home page click the button (Add report) button and enter the information shown below:
The primary report name :the report name in the primary language e.g. English
Secondary Report name : the report name in the Secondary language e.g. French
Click on the required direction (Left-to-right)
Click Next
Create dataset (Select * from sales)
Write the name of the dataset.
Put 1 for the rows per page (Which means each employee profile will be a separate page)
Click Next
Apex report designer will appear and here are the Report properties
Page size :A4 ,A3,A2 ,A1 ,A0
Direction of page :Left-to-Right , Right-to-left
Review Type : Landscape or Portrait
Background Image :
Page Records :how many records per page
Footer Page number : None , Page 1 ,Page 2 the number of pages which define the know-how of page footers ,
Number Position : Define where to put the pages numbers (Bottom center ,bottom left , bottom Right, top left top right and so on )
Left Margin :
Right margin :
The second section in report Designer is the report body which consist of :
The left side which has the created datasets and the right side using for designing the
report body.
Click on the required dataset. Drag and drop it on the right side the first tag means the beginning of the dataset loop while the second tag means the end of the data set loop. Be wary with the tags. Any changes with the tags will have an outcome of errors in the report.
Click on the table button in the report body and select 8 rows and 2 columns. The first column will be for the title, the second column will be used for the values and the 8 rows will define 8 properties. Then put 100% width this will place the report in responsive design mode. This will enable selecting portrait or landscape mode.
Right click on cell and select property
Enter 20% for the titles
Click on the required dataset. Select the required column and drag it to the target cell in the report body.
Drag Segment ,country ,Product,Discount ,Manufacturing pricing , Profit ,Month name , Year
Copy and paste the titles
Click on the (Create The report) button
If no errors are shown click (PDF Print)
The report will appear with two forms per page because we entered two in the property Page records
Enter 3 in Page records and 3 forms will appear in same page
You will notice that the page could not have 3 forms due to the size of each form.